Aviation Attraction Fund - Domestic Aviation

This is a preview of the THS - Aviation Attraction Fund (Domestic) - Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


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Stream 2: New routes and seasonal routes (domestic)

This stream is open to proposals for new routes and extensions to seasonal routes.

Applications for this stream can be made by either an airline or a Tasmanian airport. All applications are required to be supported and jointly funded by a Tasmanian airport and an airline.

Funds may be applied to initiatives designed to build capacity and demand including, but not limited to:

  • sharing commercial risk of services, such as cost offsets and seat subsidies.
  • demand-generating strategies, including in-market promotion and media.
  • an agreed minimum revenue guarantee.

In all cases, applicants must address measures to drive demand to utilise proposed capacity.

Applications will be considered in order of receipt until funds are fully committed.

Eligibility checklist

Before proceeding with the application, please ensure that you meet all eligibility criteria in the Program Guidelines.

For any queries about the eligibility criteria, contact State Growth by emailing aviationfund@stategrowth.tas.gov.au.

Eligible applicants must:

  1. Operate an airport in Tasmania that supports, or is demonstrated to be capable of supporting, regular passenger services of the type proposed.
  2. Have the appropriate authorities, licences, insurances, and approvals as required to operate the proposed service.

Ineligible applicants:

  1. Any business that is trading insolvent, under external administration or bankruptcy.
  2. Any business that submits an application without the required supporting evidence.
  3. Consultants or intermediaries, including wholesalers or distributors.
I confirm I meet the above eligibility criteria * Required