Department of State Growth

Residential Land Rebate

This is a preview of the Affordable Residential Land Rebate - application form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Before proceeding with your application, please ensure you are eligible.

You must meet all the eligibility criteria to apply for a grant.

Applicants must note that:

  1. applications submitted by a third party will not be accepted without evidence of permission to apply on behalf of the applicant in the application;
  2. you may be asked to provide information or documentation to support your eligibility claims, either as part of the application process, or after you have submitted your application;
  3. the information you provide may be subject to authenticity checks using third party software;
  4. this program has limited funding. If funding is exhausted, not all eligible applications will receive a grant.

Eligibility criteria


  1. Applicants must be the owner(s) of the land which is the subject of the application and their name must be on the title (please note, a contract of sale or any evidence other than a property search through the Land Titles Office will not be accepted as evidence of ownership).
  2. All interested parties (that is all title holders) must be named as applicants.
  3. Applicants that are natural persons must be aged over 18 years.

Eligible developments

  1. ‘Lots’ are vacant parcels of land for which there is a single title arising from a subdivision. It does not include strata titles. The maximum number of lots for which a rebate can be claimed is 40.
  2. A rebate may relate to multiple stages and/or developments, but cumulative funding may not exceed the maximum rebate allocation, of $15 000 per lot, for 40 lots.
  3. Each rebate applicant is eligible for one rebate under the program.
  4. Only one rebate will be issued per development approval (i.e., per council permit).
  5. The development approval must not have been used for a prior approved rebate under the current program, or the preceding Residential Land Rebate program.
  6. The development must be on Tasmanian land zoned residential, which is land where residential use is classed as ‘Permitted’ or ‘No Permit Required’.
  7. To receive the second payment, the rebate lots must be brought to market (see definition of ‘bring to market’) in a process that results in the sale of the land for a price that is less than the affordable land cap as determined by State Growth. The process and resulting sale must be on commercial terms and at arm’s length from the developer.

Eligible costs

  1. There are three eligible utilities for which the rebate can be claimed:
    1. Tasmania’s electrical distribution network
    2. Telecommunications networks, including the National Broadband Network
    3. Reticulated water and sewerage infrastructure
  2. Applicants will be required to identify the lots which are the subject of the rebate in their application, which will hereafter be referred to as ‘rebate lots’.
  3. ‘Eligible costs’ are those costs which have already been incurred and paid in full, and were:
    1. incurred on or after 1 July 2023; and
    2. directly related to design, construction or installation of infrastructure connecting rebate lots to eligible utilities, including, but not limited to, costs levied by TasNetworks, TasWater, and NBN Co; and
    3. connections up to the boundaries of the lots (infrastructure located on the rebate lots can not be claimed); and
    4. related to at least one, and up to three of the eligible utilities.
  1. Applicants can apply for a total claim amount of up to $15 000 of eligible costs per rebate lot, for a maximum of 40 lots.

Program administration

  1. Developers will be required to apply for their entire rebate for all rebate lots in one application. Once approved, no additional claims can be made.
  2. To be eligible, the applicant must provide all information and evidence reasonably requested by State Growth. This includes evidence of a valid planning permit for each development from the appropriate local council/s.
  3. Applications will only be accepted when they are complete and made using the approved form made available by State Growth.
  4. The program will close on 31 July 2026 or when the program’s funding allocation has been fully allocated, whichever occurs first. No further applications will be accepted after this time. Applications will be assessed in order of receipt.
  5. State Growth may consider the reputation of the applicants, and the conduct of the applicants in relation to any other grant programs managed by the Tasmanian Government, when assessing their eligibility for a grant.
I confirm that I meet the eligibility requirements * Required

If you are unsure about your eligibility, please contact

You may be asked to supply documentation to support your eligibility claims as part of the application process, or as part of an audit process to confirm your claims were true and correct.