Active Industry Project Fund 2025-2027

This is a preview of the AIPF - 2025-2027 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

The Active Industry Project Fund (the Program) is funded through the Community Support Fund (CSF). Legislation requires that funding under this program is provided for the benefit of community sport and recreation clubs.  

The grant funds are intended to assist your organisation to: 

  • increase and/or diversify participation opportunities and development pathways in sport or active recreation; or 
  • implement new systems for improved administration and performance of the sport and active recreation sector. 

You are strongly encouraged to contact Active Tasmania by phone on 1800 252 476 or by email at to discuss your application prior to lodgement. 

Applicants should ensure that all supporting documentation provided is accurate and is attached correctly before submitting.  

 Applications may not be assessed unless they are complete and all requested information has been provided. 

 Applicants may be asked to supply documentation to support their eligibility claims, as part of the application process, or as part of an audit process. 

 All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application. 

For any queries, please contact or phone 1800 252 476. 


To be eligible for the grant, applicants must have read the Program Guidelines and meet the criteria outlined below: 

  • Have met all prior reporting obligations to the satisfaction of Active Tasmania
  • Be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation, or not-for-profit company registered under company law
  • Hold appropriate insurance to cover for the organisation’s activities
  • Prepare an annual report and annual financial statements
  • Declare that all funding received through this Program is only expended in Tasmania
  • Meet the definition of one of the following organisation types as outlined in the Program Guidelines: 
    • State Sporting Organisation (SSO) 
    • State Disability Sporting Organisation (SDSO) 
    • State Sector Service Provider (SSSP) 
    • State Active Recreation Provider (SARP) 
    • National Sporting Organisation (NSO) operating in a unitary structure in Tasmania
    • National Disability Sporting Organisation (NDSO) operating in a unitary structure in Tasmania

Eligibility status will be determined by your organisation’s status at the time your application is lodged.  

Before progressing with an application, applicants must acknowledge that they have read and understood the eligibility criteria for the Program. Eligibility criteria are specified in the Program Guidelines. 

You may need to upload the following documentation as part of this application:

  • Appropriate insurance to cover for the organisation's activities
  • Annual report
  • Annual financial statements
  • Anti-Doping policy
  • Member Protection policy
  • Safeguarding policy
  • Inclusion policy
  • Current Strategic Plan
  • Current Operational Plan (for activities in Tasmania)

Ineligible applicants

The following organisations are ineligible for this grant program:

  • Individuals, including sole traders
  • Schools/educational organisations
  • Local government authorities
  • Sport and active recreation clubs organisations and industry bodies that are not the recognised state body
  • For profit organisations

Program Guidelines

I have read and understood the Program Guidelines * Required