Department of State Growth

Accelerating Trade Grant Program - Round 6 (2024-25)

This is a preview of the Application Form - Accelerating Trade Grant Program - 6 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Eligibility Checklist

* indicates a required field.

Before proceeding with this application, please ensure you comply with all of the criteria below, in accordance with the Guidelines.  If you cannot answer "Yes" to any of the questions below, it may indicate that you are ineligible to apply. If you are unsure about eligibility, please ring Business Tasmania on 1800 440 026.

Have you read and understood the Program Guidelines?
Do you comply with the Program Guidelines? * Required
Applicants that have previously been approved under this Program should pay particular attention to their eligibility.
Do you meet the definition of a Tasmanian Business as specified in the Program Guidelines? * Required
A business that has products and services produced, transformed or value-added in Tasmania and that are, or are intended to be, despatched from Tasmania.
At the time of applying are you a financially viable entity? * Required
A financially viable entity is one that is NOT under external administration, been appointed a liquidator, being wound up, dissolved or trading insolvent.
Please confirm that you do not have any overdue obligations, project deliverables, acquittals or activities from previous or existing government grants, activities or events. * Required
Do you confirm that, for the activity that is the subject of this application, you have not received or plan to make a claim for funding under the Australian Government's Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) Scheme or any other government or industry organisation assistance scheme. * Required
Where did you hear about this program? * Required
Response required.Response required.
At least 1 choice must be selected. 

Do you have annual sales turnover (revenue generated) that:

- is greater than $150,000 in at least one of the two last financial years, or the current financial year; OR have you been approved to participate in a Tasmanian Government-facilitated event (trade mission, trade show etc) through an Expression of Interest process (or similar)


- has never exceeded $10 million (unless approved through an expression of interest process (or similar) to take part in Tasmanian Government-facilitated events, such as trade missions, trade shows etc, or can present an exceptional business case for funding, with highly likely and significant trade outcomes)?

  * Required
Response required.