Department of State Growth

Community Climate Change Action Grants

This is a preview of the CCCAG Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.


Before proceeding with the application, please ensure that your organisation meets all eligibility criteria in the Guidelines, available at

If you are unsure about your eligibility, please contact the Climate Change Office on 03 6166 4466 or

We may ask you to provide information or documentation to support your eligibility claims, either as part of the application process or after you have submitted your application.

We may use third-party software to check the authenticity of the information you provide.

We will review all applications to ensure both the applicant and the project meet the eligibility requirements.

The program will provide grants of between $2,000 and $20,000 to eligible applicants. Applicants can apply for grants for multiple projects.

This is a competitive grants program. Applications will be competitively assessed using the assessment criteria and funded based on a comparative rating scale. Because the program has limited funding, and we expect that there will be a high number of applications, not all eligible applications will be successful.

Joint applications

Joint applications for a grant under this program are encouraged. You may work in partnership with others to deliver a project, provided the lead organisation is an eligible applicant and the project is otherwise eligible.

Eligible applicants

To be eligible for a grant, you must confirm the following:

I confirm my organisation is a(n): * Required
Response required.
I confirm my organisation has an existing and ongoing presence in Tasmania * Required

Ineligible applicants

Regardless of whether you meet the other eligibility criteria, you will NOT be eligible for a grant if you are:

  • an individual
  • a for-profit organisation/entity that is NOT explicitly identified in the list of eligible organisations (such as a natural resource management body or industry peak body)
  • a State or Australian Government entity
  • an entity whose primary purpose is political activity
  • an otherwise eligible entity that has overdue obligations, or is engaged in a dispute, with an existing grant with the Department of State Growth
  • an otherwise eligible entity that is subject to any legal disability, including bankruptcy or liquidation, including pending proceedings.

We will not assess applications from ineligible applicants.

I confirm the above does not apply to my application * Required

If you don't believe your organisation meets the above eligibility criteria but have a project idea that will achieve the program outcomes, please contact the Climate Change Office on (03) 6166 4466 or