Rapid Response Skills Initiative (RRSI) - Round 3

This is a preview of the 1 PRIMARY application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Rapid Response Skills Initiative

* indicates a required field.

Rapid Response Skills Initiative

The Rapid Response Skills Initiative (RRSI) provides training support for people who have lost casual, full-time or part-time work in the last 12 months due to retrenchment, business downsizing or closure. 

This includes self-employed people (sole-traders or partners in a partnership) who have closed their business.

Eligible applicants get access to free career advice through Jobs Tasmania’s Career Connector service and up to $3000 funding to pay for identified and suitable training, including licences, to improve job prospects.

Please note that payment is made directly to the training organisation, not to individual applicants, and applicants must work with a Career Connector service provider to lodge an application.

Please DO NOT enrol or pay for a training course or occupational licence until you have been advised in writing by Jobs Tasmania that your funding is approved. You will be liable for any costs incurred if your application is not approved.

For more information read the Rapid Response Skills Initiative Guidelines.

Already applied?

Have you already applied for RRSI funding through SmartyGrants? * Required
Response required.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Have you already applied for RRSI funding through SmartyGrants?" on page 1

Contact your Career Connector if you have already applied / submitted this application and have any questions or would like to request more training, please do not create a new application.

North, North East and South (Tasmania):

West and North West (Tasmania):

Eligibility (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Have you already applied for RRSI funding through SmartyGrants?" on page 1

To be ELIGIBLE you must:

  1. have lost casual, full-time or part-time work in the last 12 months due to retrenchment, business downsizing or closure; and
  2. be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident with a Tasmanian residential address, or if not a Permanent Resident, you meet these VISA classes; and
  3. provide written evidence of job loss, redundancy or retrenchment in the form of:
    • a Centrelink Employment Separation Certificate clearly stating the reason for job loss; or
    • a notification of redundancy or job loss such as a letter/email from your employer which includes contact details for Jobs Tasmania to verify your eligibility if necessary; or
    • written evidence of business closure such as cancelled GST registration or cancelled ABN (if you are self-employed - that is, a sole-trader or a partner in a partnership) and 
  4. work with a Career Connector to lodge an application.


You are NOT ELIGIBLE if:

  1. you still have employment, even with significantly reduced hours or shifts
  2. you have been dismissed or resigned from your job
  3. you have been a seasonal worker i.e. fruit picking, harvest work
  4. you are self-employed (sole-trader or a partner in a partnership) with reduced trade or income, or do not have written evidence of business closure such as evidence of cancelled GST registration or cancelled ABN
  5. you are not an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident with a Tasmanian residential address, or do not meet these VISA classes
  6. you cannot provide written evidence of job loss, redundancy or retrenchment in the form of an appropriately detailed Centrelink Employment Separation Certificate, or a notification of redundancy or job loss such as a letter or email from your employer (with employer contact details and ABN)
  7. you were employed by a Local, State or Australian Government Business or Authority.

Career Connector (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Have you already applied for RRSI funding through SmartyGrants?" on page 1

Before you apply for funding, you must consult Career Connector to confirm your eligibility and discuss the best options for using your RRSI funding allocation.

Career Connector is a free service that gives you personalised career advice and support to navigate a new career or employment pathway or identify the right re-skilling program for you. 

The service is available state-wide, and the service providers can be contacted on the information below.

North, North East and South (Tasmania):

West and North West (Tasmania):

Which Career Connector did you contact? * Required
Response required.

Applicant details (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Have you already applied for RRSI funding through SmartyGrants?" on page 1

This must be a street address for eligibility purposes.
Please include the state code 03 if not a mobile

What gender do you identify as (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Have you already applied for RRSI funding through SmartyGrants?" on page 1

The following questions are optional. We ask for this information for aggregate reporting purposes only and it is not considered as part of the eligibility or assessment criteria.

What gender do you identify as?
Gender refers to current gender, which may be different to sex recorded at birth and may be different to what is indicated on legal documents.

How do you currently identify (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "What gender do you identify as?" on page 1