Department of State Growth

Small Business Emergency Response Grant October 2024

This is a preview of the Small Business Emergency Response Grant Application Form - Tier One form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Small Business Emergency Response Grant Application Form Tier One

* indicates a required field.


The objective of this assistance measure, jointly funded by the Australian and Tasmanian Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, is to assist with the costs of clean-up and reinstatement of small businesses that have suffered direct damage as a result of the severe weather event that commenced on 26 August 2024.

The maximum grant amount available is $25,000.

In the first instance, applicants apply for Tier One using this application form.

Applicants assessed as eligible for a Tier One grant will be notified via email. The email will include a link to the Tier Two application form.

Grants are available in two tiers:

  • Tier One: an initial one-off amount of $2,500. To support an initial claim applicants will be required to describe and provide evidence of the direct damage from the event on the business and demonstrate with evidence they were actively trading immediately prior to 26 August 2024.
  • Tier Two: a subsequent one-off amount of up to $22,500. To support a subsequent claim, applicants are required to provide evidence of payments made directly relating to eligible recovery activities. The evidence provided must also cover the amount claimed under the Tier One application.


Applications for Tier one close at 2:00 pm on Wednesday 15 January 2025.

Applications for Tier two close at 2:00 pm on Tuesday 15 April 2025.


Please make sure that you have included all the required information before you submit your application. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

The Department of State Growth may contact you for additional information about your application and to verify the information you’ve provided. You may be asked to supply supporting documentation to demonstrate your eligibility claims either during or after the assessment of your application for auditing purposes.

If successful, applicants will receive their grant payment into their nominated business bank account within five business days of the applicant being notified by email.

Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by email.

If you have any questions about this program or the eligibility criteria, please read the Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or contact Business Tasmania on 1800 440 026 (9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday) or email prior to the program closing date and time.

Are you a primary producer or Non-Profit Organisation?

If you are a Primary Producer or Non-Profit Organisation, there are separate grant programs to assist with the cost of clean-up and restoration.

Please view the program guidelines here:

Primary Producers

Non-Profit Organisations

How to fill in this form

For some questions in this form, you are required to upload documents as evidence to support your claims.

Acceptable formats include Word, Excel, PDF or Images.

DO NOT provide web address links unless asked to.


Red Warning Instruction

If you see a red warning instruction you need to input the requested information and then refresh the page as follows:

  1. Click Previous Page button at the bottom of this page.
  2. Once you are on the Previous Page, click Next Page at the bottom of the page to return and confirm the red warning instruction is no longer displayed.

Any required information that you miss will be flagged with you at the end of the application process before you can submit your application form.

Small Business Eligibility

Please review the following list and confirm that you meet these criteria:

  • My business is a small business with 19 or less full-time equivalent employees, or
    • I am a sole operator with no paid employees and at least 50 per cent (50%) of my income (minimum of $40,000) is from my business.
    • I am a sole operator and less than 50 per cent (50%) of my income is from my business, but I meet Item 7.3 in the Program Guidelines.
  • My business was engaged in carrying on its business when affected by the event.
  • My business holds an Australian Business Number (ABN) and held that ABN at the time of the event.
  • My business suffered direct damage to the premises and/or tools of trade and/or stock as a direct result of the event.
  • I am primarily responsible for meeting the costs claimed in this application.
  * Required
Response required.

Please confirm that your business is NOT one of the following: 

  • A business with 20 or more full time equivalent employees.
  • A business that was not open for business immediately prior to 26 August 2024.
  • A not-for-profit organisations, incorporated association or charity unless the organisation is operating as a business employing paid staff and/or selling goods and services that make up more than 30 per cent of their income.
  • A public company as defined in the Corporations Act 2001.
  • A business that is trading insolvent, under external administration or bankruptcy.
  • An investment entity including unit trusts that solely generate passive turnover from residential and commercial property investment rentals.
  • A government body, government agency or government business enterprise.
  • A business that is eligible to apply for the Primary Producers Emergency Response Grant and/or a Non-Profit Organisation Emergency Response Grant (applicants can only apply for one program).
  * Required
Response required.