Tasmanian Festival and Event Support Fund

This is a preview of the Tasmanian Festival and Event Support application form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

The Tasmanian Festival and Event Support Fund is part of a suite of initiatives announced by the Tasmanian Government to address the impact of delays in the arrival of the new Spirit of Tasmania vessels on the tourism, hospitality and events sectors. This program is designed to boost regional visitation and strengthen the Tasmanian economy during the shoulder and winter months (from March to November 2025 and 2026) by providing funding for events across the following streams:

  1. Event development
  2. Event sustainability
  3. Emerging events
  4. Significant events.


Applications must be submitted at least 12 weeks prior to the event start date and prior to the closing of the program.

Click here to view the Tasmanian Festival and Event Support Fund Guidelines.

Before proceeding with the application, please ensure that you have read the Guidelines thoroughly.

Applications will be assessed against all eligibility criteria, evidence submitted, and acceptable expenditure as identified in the guidelines.

Further details on each criterion and weighting are detailed in the guidelines. 

The Department of State Growth may contact you for additional information about your application and verify the information you have provided.

For any enquiries on how to complete this form, or questions regarding this grant, please contact us on the details below.

Events Tasmania
Email: info@eventstasmania.com 
Phone: 1300 880 634

I have read the guidelines and understand the assessment criteria * Required
I confirm that I or the organisation I represent have an ABN and the ability to enter into a funding agreement with the Tasmanian Government * Required
I confirm that I have or I am willing to obtain public liability insurance to the value of $20 million * Required