Department of State Growth

Advanced Manufacturing Accelerating Growth Program - Round 6

This is a preview of the Application - Accelerating Growth Program - Round 6 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Eligibility Checklist

* indicates a required field.

Please Note:

Before proceeding with this application, please ensure you can comply with all of the criteria below in accordance with the Advanced Manufacturing Accelerating Growth Program (Round Six).


If you do not meet all eligibility items within this section, it would suggest that you are potentially not an eligible applicant - please contact please contact AMDI via Business Tasmania on 1800 440 026

Can you confirm that you have read and understood the funding guidelines? * Required
If you have answered NO to this question and require further clarification, please contact AMDI via Business Tasmania on 1800 440 026
Are you an advanced manufacturing enterprise as defined in the program guidelines? * Required
Where did you first hear about this program? * Required
Response required.Response required.
At least 1 choice must be selected. 
If you are a FOOD manufacturer do you hold all relevant licenses under the Food Standards Code (Food Act 2003 and Primary Producers Safety Act 2011)? Click Not relevant if you are not a food manufacturer. * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "If you are a FOOD manufacturer do you hold all relevant licenses under the Food Standards Code (Food Act 2003 and Primary Producers Safety Act 2011)? Click Not relevant if you are not a food manufacturer." on page 1

Confirm the activity has not commenced prior to submission of this application. * Required
Please note that once an application has been approved, the project must not commence until the Grant Deed has been fully executed.
At the time of applying are you a financially viable entity? * Required
A financially viable entity is one that is NOT under external administration, been appointed a liquidator, being wound up, dissolved or trading insolvent. The business is able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.
Must be a whole dollar amount (no cents) and between 500000 and 55000000. This figure must correspond with the Financial Statements that are attached to this application - please note if the reported figure is less than $500,000 your application will be deemed ineligible and Smarty Grants will not allow you to submit the application.
Do you have any overdue obligations, project deliverables, acquittals or activities from previous government grant programs? * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Do you have any overdue obligations, project deliverables, acquittals or activities from previous government grant programs?" on page 1

Evidence of Financial Position

Please provide each of the following Financial Statements (Accounts): Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet.

Note:  Failure to upload all requested financial statements (profit and loss and balance sheet) means that your application cannot be assessed fully.

Attach a file: Select stored file
    Please ensure the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet are uploaded
    Attach a file: Select stored file
      Please ensure that the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet are uploaded
      Attach a file: Select stored file
        Reports from your internal accounting system (eg Quicken, MYOB etc) are acceptable. Please ensure that your Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet are uploaded