Department of State Growth

Championship Grants 2023 - 2024

Submissions closed at 12:00PM 31 May 2024 (AEST).

Championship grants of up to $10 000 are on the table for eligible competitions that bring more than 100 competitors and supporters to Tasmania, who stay in paid commercial accommodation for three nights or more, and are able to promote pre and post-championship travel within the state as part of their event marketing.

How it works

Grants are available to eligible competitions, championships and sporting/gaming events that:

  • attract more than 100 people from outside Tasmania,
  • staying three nights or more in paid commercial accommodation (hotel, motel, B&B, cabin), and
  • promote pre- and post-championship holidays and regional touring as a part of their event promotion.

Grants are valued from $3,500 to $10,000. There are three simple questions asked in the table below that will assist you with determining your grant value:

Click here to view the Championship Grants guidelines.

Applications close 12:00 pm, Friday 31 May 2023.


If you have any questions about this grant please contact Events Tasmania on 1300 880 634 or 


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Questions in the form that are marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. You are able to work through and save the form without completing all required questions. However, you will need to have all the required questions completed to be able to submit.

When your form is complete, press submit on the final page to submit your application.

If you need more help using this form, download the Help Guide for Applicants or check out Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's).