Advanced Manufacturing - Productivity Grant Program 2024/25

This is a preview of the Application - Advanced Manufacturing Productivity Program form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Eligibility Checklist

* indicates a required field.

Before proceeding with this application, please ensure you can comply with all of the criteria below in accordance with the Program Guidelines.

Where did you first hear about this program? * Required
Response required.
Have you received funding under this grant program this financial year? * Required
Are you an advanced manufacturing enterprise as defined in the program guidelines? * Required
At the time of applying are you a financially viable entity? * Required
A financially viable entity is one that is NOT under external administration, been appointed a liquidator, being wound up, dissolved or trading insolvent.
If you are a food manufacturer, please confirm that you hold all relevant licenses under the Food Standards Code (Food Act 2003 and Primary Producers Safety Act 2011).
Do you have any overdue obligations, project deliverables, acquittals or activities from previous government grant programs? * Required
Confirm the activity has not commenced prior to submission of this application. * Required