Department of State Growth

Test round

This is a preview of the Enabling Business Grant Program Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Read the Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before you begin


The Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can be downloaded here.


Applications without the required supporting or incorrect documentation will be assessed as ineligible and not provided an opportunity to update their application.



The Enabling Business Grant Program (the Program) is the second round of the Small Business Growth Strategy Grant Program, and aims to support Tasmanian small businesses to grow, adapt and innovate by providing grants for capital purchases that align with Stream three (Enabling business) and Stream four (Technology) of the Small Business Growth Strategy 2026.

What is a Capital Purchase?

Capital purchases are defined as business assets (also known as plant and equipment) such as machinery, electronic payment terminals, and computers. Capital purchases do not include items that are considered normal running expenses such as stationery and repairs, and equipment rentals or leases. Refer to section 8 in the Program Guidelines for more details about eligible grant expenditure.

About the funding

  1. Applicants can only apply once but can apply for funding for multiple purchases, to a maximum total request of between $2,500 and $10,000 (including supplier added GST).
  2. Applicants must have their own funding available to make the minimum 30 per cent (30%) cash co-contribution towards the total capital purchase cost.
  3. The total value of the proposed purchase/s must not exceed $50,000 (including supplier added GST).
  4. 80 per cent (80%) of the total amount of the grant request will be paid on approval of the grant application.
  5. The remaining 20 per cent (20%) will be paid on submission and acceptance of a satisfactory acquittal of the grant expenditure.


The Department of State Growth (State Growth) may contact you for additional information about your application and verify the information you have provided.

Information supplied by applicants may be subject to authenticity checks using third party software.

The Program closes at 2:00pm on Tuesday, 10 December 2024 or when the available funds are allocated, whichever occurs first. 

The assessment process will be completed as quickly as possible. Please allow up to four weeks to be notified of the outcome of your application. Applications will be assessed in order of receipt.

If you have any further questions about this Program, contact Business Tasmania prior to the Program closing date and time.

Phone: 1800 440 026 (9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday)



How to fill in this form

For some questions in this form, you are required to upload documents as evidence to support your claims.

Acceptable formats include Word, Excel, PDF or Images.

DO NOT provide web address links unless asked to.


Red Warning Instruction

If you see a red warning instruction you need to input the requested information and then refresh the page as follows:

  1. Click Previous Page button at the bottom of this page.
  2. Once you are on the Previous Page, click Next Page at the bottom of the page to return and confirm the red warning instruction is no longer displayed.

Any required information that you miss will be flagged with you at the end of the application process before you can submit your application form.


Table Questions

When completing a question that is a table, if you need to add or remove rows, use the + and - buttons at the right-hand side of the table to add and remove rows. Alternatively, click on the Add More button.


Eligibility check

Review the following list and confirm that you meet all these criteria: 

  • Your business is registered for tax purposes in Australia with a continuously active ABN on or before 22 October 2023 (or you meet Eligibility criteria 6.1.1 or 6.1.2 as detailed in the Program Guidelines).
  • Your business had an annual sales turnover of between $50,000 and $10 million in either the 2022-23 or 2023-24 financial year. (Note: you will be required to provide evidence of your annual turnover when you acquit your grant).
  • Your business is a small business with no more than 19 full time equivalent (FTE) employees.
  • Your business is located in Tasmania and currently operating (at the time of this submission).
  • Your business is a majority-owned Tasmanian business.
  • If you are a sole operator with no paid employees, you derived at least 50 per cent (50%) of your total annual income in either the 2022-23 or 2023-24 financial year from your business and this amount was more than $50,000. (Note: you will be required to provide evidence of your annual turnover when you acquit your grant)
  • At the time of applying, you have the funds available to make the 30 per cent (30%) cash co-contribution towards the total capital purchase cost (including GST).
  • You are able to purchase the proposed item/s within six weeks of being notified by email from State Growth of the outcome of your grant application.
  • This application is being submitted by the business owner.
  • You are able to provide the required supporting documents, as per Section 10 of the Program Guidelines.
  * Required
Response required.

Review the following list and confirm that you are not one of the following:

  • A not-for-profit organisation, incorporated association, or charity UNLESS the organisation is operating as a business employing paid staff and selling goods and services that make up more than 30 per cent (30%) of their income.
  • A public company as defined in the Corporations Act 2001.
  • A business that is for sale, planning towards sale, trading insolvent, under external administration or bankruptcy at the time of submitting this application.
  • An investment entity that solely generates passive turnover from residential and commercial property investment and/or the renting of property.
  • An applicant that has already been approved to receive a grant in this round of the program.
  • An applicant making multiple applications for businesses with different ABNs where the business activities are similar.
  • An applicant applying for funding for purchases that have taken place prior to being notified of the outcome of this grant application.
  • Submitting this application on behalf of the business owner.
  • A local, state or Australian Government entity.
  • A business without a physical presence or office in Tasmania.
  * Required
Response required.
Did you receive a grant in Round one of the Small Business Growth Strategy Grant Program? * Required

Declaration (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Did you receive a grant in Round one of the Small Business Growth Strategy Grant Program?" on page 1

I declare that my proposed use of funds in this round are substantially different from Round one. * Required