Rapid Response Skills Initiative (RRSI) - Round 3

Submissions are now being accepted.

The Rapid Response Skills Initiative (RRSI) provides training support for people who have lost casual, full-time or part-time work in the last 12 months due to retrenchment, business downsizing or closure. This includes self-employed people (sole-traders or partners in a partnership) who have closed their business. 


You may only apply for the RRSI funding after you have spoken with a Career Connector service provider.

If you have already applied and have any questions, or would like to request more training, contact your Career Connector, please DO NOT Start a submission, 


Career Connector Providers:

North, North East and South (Tasmania):

West and North West (Tasmania):

Please DO NOT enrol or pay for a training course or occupational licence until you have been advised in writing by Jobs Tasmania that your funding is approved. You will be liable for any costs incurred if your application is not approved. 

For more information read the Rapid Response Skills Initiative Guidelines.


Form instructions 

This form is best used on a desktop or laptop computer.  

You can save and return to this online form as many times as you wish before you submit.  

If you wish to leave a partially completed application, press ‘Save and Close’ and log out. You can resume the partially completed application when you log back in and click on the ‘My submissions’ link at the top of the screen.  

Questions in the form that are marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. You are able to work through and save the form without completing all required questions. However, you will need to have all the required questions completed to be able to submit.  

When your form is complete, press ‘submit’ on the final page to lodge your application.  


If you need assistance completing your form, please contact your Career Connector service provider.